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Hochschule Hannover, Visuelle Kommunikation

Visiting the Comicsfestival in Angouleme

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Visiting the Comicsfestival in Angouleme

After two years of online studying we were more than ready for a trip! The first try was again sabotaged by Covid, the Omega Variant caused the Festival de la Bande dessinée d’Angouleme to postbone. But in March we were lucky!

The event really happend, and we have been there!

Luca und Marta at the exhibition of Chris Ware, Foto: Ulli Lust
Its a big exhibition of Chris Ware, the great american cartoonist and winner of the Grand Prix d‘ Angouleme 2021.  

One of the festival tents before the opening. Foto: Emma Harkämper
The next day Foto: Emma Harkämper
Our publications at the German Comics Table, Foto: Emma Harkämper
Drawings are everywere in Angouleme. Foto: Emma Harkämper
Podium with Anneli Furmark, Foto: Emma Harkämper
Moritz, Hannes & ?, Foto: Lilli Schröder
Mural in town, Foto: Lilli Schröder
Fuck Off Fair, Foto:Emma Harkämper
Exhibtion at the Maison des auteurs, Foto: Lilli Schröder


Sole Otero signing at the stand of Editions çà et là, Foto: Ulli Lust
Drinking Champagne at the opening of the Chris Ware exhibition: Luca, Marta, Lisa, Ulli, but who made the foto?
Exhibition Shigeru Mizuki
We are waiting to enter the exhibition of Shigeru Mizuki. Foto: Özge Samanci
Shigeru Mizuki, Foto: Ulli Lust
Shigeru Mizuki
Mel working. The students are helping out at the Stand for German Comics, organized  by Deutscher Comicverein and Goetheinstitut Paris.  Foto: Marta Lučić



Kai Pfeiffer signing at the German Comics Stand, Foto: Marta Lučić
Julia Eichstädt’s drawing for Stefan, Foto: Marta Lučić
Drawing by guess who: Der Eine von der Leine, Foto: Marta Lučić
Nous sommes a France. Foto: Lilli Schröder.
La vie est belle. Foto: Lilli Schröder
Asterix by François Boucq, 
Özge Samanci & Ulli Lust
Drawing by Lea Murawiec, Foto: Ulli Lust
Its amazing to experience spring at this festival. Usually it takes place in freezing cold of the last days of january.  Foto: Ulli Lust
Hamid Sulaiman is showing his new book about Frans Masereel. Foto: Ulli Lust
Marta, Luca and Hamid talking.
Original Storyboard from Persepolis in an exhibition about the history of Animation. Foto: Ulli Lust
Persepolis by Marjane Satrapi was one of the most successfull Graphic Novels ever and a very good Movie, too.
Yi Yang and Ulli Lust signing at Editions çà et là
Özge Samanci is drawing a portrait of Anneli Furmark at the dinner table. Foto: Ulli Lust

Marcello Quintanilha brought a precious cat, the „Golden Fauve“! He just won the big price of the Festival for the best book in 2021 „Ecute, Jolie Marcia“ and got standing ovations, when he entered the restaurant.
Random group of French students posing with Corto Maltese.
The toilets at the Festival were exemplary.
The end. (Original Asterix Page by Uderzo)
Going home. Foto: Lilli Schröder
Foto: Ulli Lust