Video Interviews with Comic Artists

Video Interviews with Comic Artists
Christopher Gasser (Swiss Author and Professor for Animation in Luzern) interviewed 14 famous Comic Artists about drawing as a language, which was also the title of a Symposion held at the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts in Spring 2016. Some of our students were there to listen live to the lectures, those who missed this great opportunity now get the chance to get some answers in 14 video interviews.
Why is this blog entry in english language? The interviews are in English, too.
You can find them under this link:
Here for example the Interview with the fabulous Ben Katchor:
Ben Katchor (according to Wikipedia born 1951) is an American cartoonist best known for his comic strip Julius Knipl, Real Estate Photographer. He has contributed comics and drawings to The Forward, The New Yorker, Metropolis magazine, and weekly newspapers in the U.S. A Guggenheim Fellowship and MacArthur Fellowship recipient, Katchor was described by author Michael Chabon as „the creator of the last great American comic strip.“ Katchor has been an associate professor at Parsons The New School since 2007.[3] He also gives „illustrated lectures“ at colleges and museums accompanied by slide projections of his work. Since 2012 he has run the New York Comics & Picture-story Symposium at Parsons, a weekly symposium for the study of text-image work.